Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is an unexpexted life

My life has been full of the unexpected. Let me be blunt: I was an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy. My parents were college students and having a baby was not really on their list of things to do. So they did what all good Catholics do, they quickly got married and had me. They loved me. They raised me. They stayed married and raised a total of three children together. Well- they stayed together for the first 20 years. After that my mom quite unexpectedly left my dad for another woman. Say what? Shocking, I know. No worries. My dad has moved on with his life and met another woman to share his life with. I grew up in the Navy community. Strict dress codes, conservative Catholic morals, etc. In high school I swore that I would never marry a military man- how could anyone do that their children? It was awful. The moves, the missed and lost friends. The hardships of being a new girl half way through high school. My poor brothers had it just as bad. One has some learning disabilities and all the constant upheaval did not help him. While my youngest brother had the ease of being impacted by 2 moves (all the moving was done by the time he hit 1st grade and let's face it moving at 18 mo DOES NOT affect one's life), I still think he got the raw end of the stick. Why? My mom was a stay at home mom when I was growing up. Mom went back to work when Curly went to Kindergarten. And then she moved out when he was 11. What a crappy thing, huh? Yeah, I thought so. Still think so. But I digress- my point is that I had no intention of living the military life as an adult. Then I went bar hopping with a friend on the mend from a brutal breakup. I met my husband that night. And wouldn't you know the arrogant S.O.B. was an officer in the Marine Corps. Fast forward almost 6 years later and here is what we have: one house (home ownership has its ups and downs), two spontaneously purchased pure bred Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, 3 unplanned pregnancies (Babies A, B, and D are very much loved), 4 moves, and a partridge and a pear tree. Well, actually it is a cherry tree. And I hate it. The tree, that is. My life is pretty darn busy but I love it. Would I change it? Of course. Anyone who states that they "wouldn't change a thing" would be lying. There are many things I could tweak. Like, could we have all four kids, but not have them so F***ing close in age? Really? Last month I was preparing to have baby D in April, move from VA to GA in July, and then move from GA to some Marine Corps base in January. This month I got a reprieve and found out that we're not moving- that is until May/June 2013. Seriously. This life, my life, while it might seem (and has been called to my face) the "Stepford" life, is actually full of the unexpected.